pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S17 - Special: CREPEC Student Symposium
Oral Presentation

Dynamic tissue engineering systems to promote the functionnality of glial cells in synthetic nerve conduits

Monfette Vincent (1), Godbout-Lavoie Catherine (1), Pelletier Samuel (1), Langelier Eve (1), Lauzon Marc-Antoine (1)*

(1) Universite de Sherbrooke - Quebec - Canada

More than 30% of upper limb traumatic peripheral nerve injurie (PNI) cases are nerve transections that need acute repair resulting in high treatment costs [1]. PNI repair is complex due to the slow nerve regeneration process, the Wallerian degeneration, and the complex hierarchical structure of the nerve [2]. The current gold standard for repairing gaps of > 30 mm in length remains the autograft, whereas smaller gaps can be treated using FDA-approved nerved guide conduits (NGCs) [2]. Even though those NGCs have had some success in clinical trials [3], they seldom have aligned micro-channels and do not contain pre-seeded glial cells, making them less efficient for axonal growth and guidance [4]. Schwann cells (SCs) play a crucial role during the tissue repair process and recent work showed that adding SCs or their precursors to NGCs is beneficial to the regeneration outcome [5]. However, new strategies involving NGCs seeded with glial cells are usually restrained to static culture conditions, which limits their size due to poor nutrient diffusion [6]. Our research team aims to develop composite NGCs mimicking the structure of peripheral nerve, which are combined with a perfusion bioreactor to culture glial cells. We hypothesized that such an approach could provide a more suitable environment to promote cell colonization and functionality, while overcoming mass transfer limitations. So far, we have developed of a new freeze casting technology to synthesize composite collagen/chitosan-based scaffolds with length > 30 mm. We have shown that those porous scaffolds can be tailored to have continuous micro-channels and suitable mechanical properties that can promote SCs growth and colonization when cultured under direct perfusion flow using a custom-made bioreactor. Refs: [1] 10.1080/03008207.2018.1489381; [2] 10.1016/j.neuint.2020.104953; [3] 10.1016/j.injury.2018.03.011, [4] 10.1016/j.hcl.2015.12.012; [5] 10.1088/1741-2552/abaa9c; [6] 10.1016/j.msec.2010.04.001