pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S17 - Special: CREPEC Student Symposium
Oral Presentation

Motion Composites

Feron Gabriel (1)*

(1) Motion Composites - Quebec - Canada

We know that choosing the right wheelchair is a big decision. Motion Composites offers a wide selection of ultralight rigid or folding wheelchairs made of carbon fiber or aluminum. We combine state-of-the-art engineering and innovative materials to design wheelchairs that are among the best in their class. We believe that high-performance chairs improve the lives of those who use them through their components, design, functionality and quality. Carbon fiber has superior fatigue resistance compared to metals. This means that components made of carbon fiber will resist the repetitive stress of everyday use longer. Motion Composites’ carbon fiber wheelchairs withstood double the minimum number of cycles required on the NSI/RESNA fatigue strength test of durability.