pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S06 - Polymer Nanocomposites
Oral Presentation

Cohesion parameters of boron nitride nanotubes

Torres Castillo Cristina Sofia (1)*, Bruel Charles (1), Tavares Jason Robert (1)

(1) Polytechnique Montreal - Quebec - Canada

Boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) are counterparts to carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in which carbon atoms are replaced by alternating B and N atoms in a honeycomb network. Compared to CNTs, BNNTs display a competitive Young modulus (~ 1.18 TPa) and thermal conductivity (up to ~ 350 Wm/K). However, what makes them different to CNTs is their higher thermal stability (up to 1100 ˚C in air) and their electrically insulating behavior characterized by a constant band gap of ~ 5.5 eV. The two nanotube types also differ in their physical appearance: pure BNNTs present a white color while CNTs are black. BNNTs find potential applications as a reinforcing agent in polymeric and ceramic materials and, due to their high surface area, are good candidates for hydrogen devices. In addition, because of their unique combination of thermal conductivity and electrical insulation, BNNTs can be used for heat dissipation in electronics. However, despite these attractive properties, an adequate dispersion of these nanoparticles in solvents and polymeric matrices is missing, in order to transfer their properties to the matrix. In this work, we apply the Hansen solubility theory to characterize the surface properties of purified BNNTs through sedimentation tests in different solvents.