pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: G02 - Extrusion and coatings
Oral Presentation

Experimental monitoring of resin fill distribution on full flight screw in twin screw extruder

Sugiyama Takemasa (1), Ohara Masatoshi (2), Tanifuji Shin-ichiro (3), Taki Kentaro (1)*

(1) Kanazawa University - Ishikawa - Japan, (2) Toshiba Machine - Shizuoka - Japan, (3) HASL Co., Ltd. - Tokyo - Japan

We developed a laser-light section method for monitoring fill distribution of resin on full flight screw in twin screw extruder. The resin distribution fluctuated with time and their magnitude was independent to the variation of screw speed and feed rate. The time-averaged fill ration on the full flight screw element was proportional to throughput.