pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: G02 - Extrusion and coatings
Oral Presentation

Continuous extrusion of celluloid film

Dubois Charles (1)*, Comtois Etienne (2), Massart Morgane (1)

(1) Ecole Polytechnique Montreal - Quebec - Canada, (2) General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems Canada - Quebec - Canada

Celluloid is the oldest plastic of industrial significance. The material is composed of commercial grade nitrocellulose (less than 11% nitration), camphor (25% w/w) and smaller amount of stabilizer. The camphor acts as a celluloid plasticizer. Traditionally, celuloid is made in a stepwise and labor intensive process: 1) mixing in a batch mixer, 2) further mixing in two rolls mill, blocking in a heated press adn finally slicing to the desired thickness. The properties and quality celluloid produced with the said process is highly dependent on the operators actions during the fabrication steps. Moreover, economical and safety considerations bring concerns for the viability of the traditionnal celluloid production process into a North American contemporary industrial process. We recently patented a solvent-assisted continuous celluloid extrusion process for film manufacturing purposes. We demonstrated, using corresponding rheological data, that the selected solvents and operating conditions may be needed to safely optimize the film production process.