pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S02 - Nanocomposites and filled Polymers
Oral Presentation

Use of Polymer Blends to Reduce Carbon Nanotube Breakage during Melt Processing

Grady Brian (1)*, Guo Jiaxi (1)

(1) University of Oklahoma - Oklahoma - USA

In order to adequately disperse carbon nanotubes into a polymer via twin-screw extrusion, requires forces that have been shown to reduce multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) contour length by 30-90%, depending on starting contour length and the specifics of processing. For the case where the MWCNTs remain in the continuous phase, we show that the addition of a small amount of a second polymer, in this case 20%, leads to a much smaller reduction in contour length under the same processing conditions which in turn leads to ~3 reduction in the percolation threshold. For the case where the MWCNTs partition to the dispersed phase, we find that the length does not reduce at all, within the limits of our experimental measurement. Further, in this latter case, the morphology of the blend can change substantially if the end-to-end distance of the tubes is longer than the diameter of the dispersed phase.