pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S07 - (General Session 7) Films and Fibers
Poster Presentation

Fabrication of Janus Polymer Nano-fibers with a Side-by-Side Dual Spinneret Method

Mohamadi Farid Memariyan (1)*, Eslami Hormoz (1)

(1) Amirkabir University of Technology - Tehran - Iran

Anisotropic polymer particles and fibers with controlled morphology have attracted increasing attention in recent years because of their potential use in a range of biomedical applications. Janus fibers composed of different polymers were prepared through co-jetting with dual Side-by-Side core flows comprising of different polymer solutions. By varying different solution and process parameters, namely, concentration and flow rate, a variety of different fibers are produced in high yields