pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S04 - Modeling and Simulation
Oral Presentation

Measures for the Study of Continuous Spatial Variance on Distributive Laminar Mixing

Nixon Jason Robert (1)*, Bigio David (1)

(1) University of Maryland, College Park - Maryland - USA

In the study of distributive laminar mixing pioneered Spencer and Wiley, mixing is defined as a function of the interfacial area shared between two or more fluid species in the mixing volume, with an increase in interfacial area between fluid species corresponding to an increase in mixing. In this work, new mathematical measures are derived which analyze fluid-fluid interface stretching as well as the underlying mechanisms of stretching in continuous laminar flows. This method allows for a more predictive analysis in the Lagrangian perspective as well as the exploration of the underlying velocity field using new Eulerian measures. Previous work in this field achieves mixing through either reorientation (Erwin) or through chaotic approaches (Aref, Ottino). In both cases, mixing is generated through discrete changes in the flow field. These approaches fail to explore the mechanisms of mixing present in the continuously varying flow field. The approach presented in this work examines the nature of continuously varying flow fields and employs the new measures to identify velocity field characteristics necessary for effective mixing. To explore the effectiveness of these measures for the evaluation of continuous non-chaotic laminar mixing, three velocity fields are examined; simple shear flow (Couette channel), divergent flow (diverging channel) and spatially variant flow (lid-driven cavity). In these flow geometries, new Eulerian measures prove valuable in demonstrating features of the underlying flows including stretching regime characteristics, transitions in stretching regime, as well as other characteristics unique to each flow type. Additionally, new Lagrangian measures allow for more physical relevant exploration of fluid-fluid interface stretching in a variety of velocity fields.