pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S04 - Injection Molding and Molds
Poster Presentation

Innovative Plasticizing Concept

Brettnich Thomas (1)*

(1) Sumitomo SHI Demag - Bavaria - Germany

Spiral Logic's Dynamic Uni-Layer Melting Model represents a revolutionary advancement in plastics processing technology. Traditional screw design theory is founded on 1950's research and involves the formation of a solid-bed of resin between the screw flights. Melting of the solid bed is primarily accomplished by shear heating. By controlling melting at the pellet level, Spiral Logic's process advancements eliminate the solid-bed formation and the need for excessive, un-controlled shear heating. Significant benefits resulting from this new system include: 1. Reduction of screw L/D up to 13:1 by elimination of the compression zone 2. Improved melting efficiency 3. Improved material flow and reduced residence time and degradation 4. Reduced machine energy consumption 5. Elimination of carbon deposits in the screw/barrel and the associated "black spots" in products 6. Increased process stability 7. Elimination of random short shots 8. Reduction in screw/barrel wear The new melting model is applicable to an extensive range of plastics and has been successfully implemented in injection molding applications. The presentation will cover the methods and tools used to demonstrate the limitations of traditional screw design, and explain how the innovative Spiral Logic Model avoids these limitations to achieve a wide range of quantifiable plastics processing improvements. Principle: The system uses two screws. First is a simple and very short feeding device, without transmission of energy to the plastic pellets. The second screw ist the plasticizing screw itself. This plasticizing screw is a straight screw, without compression zone. The system allows to adjust conveying speed of solid and molten plastic. This avoids known problems of conventionnal systems such as black spots due to undefined residence times and others.