pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S04 - Polymer Blends, Alloys, and Composites
Oral Presentation

Sensor Data Fusion of Optically Excited Shearographic and Thermographic Data for Optimized Visualization of Defects in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics

Joas Sebastian (1)*, Kreutzbruck Marc (1)

(1) University of Stuttgart - Baden-Württemberg - Germany

Since the amount of fiber reinforced plastics in the automotive industry is ever increasing, there is also a rising need for suitable test procedures. These methods are used to ensure manufacturing quality and monitor component quality in field tests. Especially for safety-relevant components, it is important to have a reliable evaluation of the structural integrity. The specific process limitation of today’s testing methods leads to the approach of combining different testing methods to eliminate false, incomplete or unreliable information about a particular defect. An example for the combination of testing methods with complementary advantages are thermography and shearography. Both of them are non-contact imaging methods, that can be used on large components and, thanks to a relatively short cycle time, it is possible to implement them in an inline quality assurance. Within this work it is described, how the individual test results from thermography and shearography can be processed, analyzed and merged using a wavelet-based concept. This enables an optimized, more reliable detection of defects and their classification. Therefore, different carbon fiber reinforced parts with defined impacts or inserts are analyzed. The potential of the approach is finally demonstrated using an automotive carbon fiber reinforced component.