pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S02 - Bio-based and Biodegradable Polymers
Oral Presentation

Mission of the Century - Resource Efficiency with Plastics and Plastics Technology

Bonten Christian (1)*

(1) University of Stuttgart - Baden-Württemberg - Germany

Comprehensive resource efficiency means far more than the preservation of natural resources. It also includes the productivity factors of material, machine and labor. The plastics industry has made a great contribution to resource efficiency, but often finds itself on the defensive. Yet a knowledge of the various relationships involved provides enough material to go on the offensive with arguments illustrating the benefits of plastics technology. Following the introduction of classic resource efficiency, complemented by modern productivity factors, the biggest levers of today's modern society are being presented to increase global resource efficiency. Afterwards, it will be shown how plastics and plastics technology already make a major contribution to these efficiency factors. Finally, in spite of the discussion about marine litter, the audience should be encouraged to continue researching plastics and plastics technology to make the world a better place.