pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: S01 - Advanced Processing and additive Manufacturing
Poster Presentation

Smart polymeric materials applied to Industry 4.0: a review on electrochromic textiles

Ramlow Heloisa (1), Andrade Karina Luzia (1), Marangoni Cintia (1), Machado Ricardo (1)*

(1) Federal University of Santa Catarina - Santa Catarina - Brazil

: Smart polymeric materials are vital to Industry 4.0 for the development of new technologies in order to gather data in real-time, providing useful information to the manufacturing system. In this context, electrochromic textiles have been researched increasingly with innovative applications for information monitoring. Electrochromic textiles are reported to reversibly switch colors through the incorporation of several conducting polymers, while the flexibility and stretchability are provided by the polymeric fiber. The scope of electrochromic technologies can be extended to different polymeric fibers, such as poly(amide) and poly(methyl methacrylate). Electrochromic textiles have been explored due to their promising applications in sensing, detecting and displaying. More sensors, data and real-time information about fundamental production will provide additional leverage to existing manufacturing systems. The e-textile is important in microelectronics and superior to conventional electronics because of its lower weight. This work aims to present and discuss the overall usability of electrochromic textiles by reviewing recent developments which have been done in order to straighten the path for future researches in this field. The current state-of-the-art show that researchers are seeking an approach to obtain electro-stimulated response smart textiles having frequency response, high precision and excellent discoloration ability, meanwhile without changing the normal fabric properties. The possible application of electrochromic textiles for the development of Industry 4.0 is discussed. Issues such as the experimental verification and performance characterization of electrochromic textiles are explained. Despite the great technological evolution until this moment, there is still too much to be explored and discovered in the field of electrochromic textiles with potential application for the expansion of Industry 4.0.