pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: Nanocomposite Materials & Processing
Poster Presentation

Polyetherimide-based Nanocomposite Materials for Hydrogen Storage

Oliveira Amanda Dantas de (1), Beatrice Cesar Augusto Gonçalves (1), Passador Fabio Roberto (2), Pessan Luiz Antonio (1)*

(1) UFSCar - DEMa - SP - Brazil, (2) UNIFESP - ICT - SP - Brazil

Hydrogen is a promising alternative energy carrier that can potentially facilitate the transition of energy sources from fossil fuels to clean energy because of its prominent advantages such as high energy density, great variety of potential sources (for example water, biomass, organic matter), light weight, and low environmental impact (water is the sole combustion product). However, hydrogen storage is a major barrier in the establishment of infrastructure for hydrogen technology. The incorporation of nanoparticles or nanoporous structures in polymeric materials may be an alternative to obtain materials with promising properties for hydrogen storage. Thus, the development of materials for hydrogen storage from polymer nanocomposites with lower temperature of desorption may contribute to the consolidation of the use of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable energy. In this work polymer nanocomposites using polyetherimide as polymer matrix and carbon nanotubes doped with sodium alanate (NaAlH4) as nanoparticles were prepared. The influence of the addition of different amounts of nanoparticles on the morphology and storage capacity and desorption of hydrogen were evaluated.