pps proceeding - Abstract Preview
pps proceeding
Symposium: Rheology & Advanced Characterization
Oral Presentation


Gulnizkij Nikolai (1)*, Solodov Igor (1), Busse Gerd (1), Kreutzbruck Marc von (1)

(1) Institut für Kunststofftechnik - Stuttgart - Germany

The optically excited lock-in shearography (OLS) is designed for quick and unilateral non-destructive testing of large components. Here, the surface deformation is measured by means of an expansion in the expanded laser beam. Routine execution is often too long and has not yet satisfactory. One possible solution to this problem is local defect resonance (LDR), a recently proposed method, which is combined in this paper with shearography. The LDR-based shearography (LDRS) measurements are performed within a few seconds. In practical use, the component is excited at frequencies in the range of 5 kHz - 50 kHz and the component surface observed as live video. We report in measurements on the achievable detection sensitivities of LDRS, as well as a framework for practical use. Here, we present test results from fiber- reinforced composites.